I eagerly visited this site on Monday the 27th April to download the latest video footage and to find out if this Little Owl had laid a forth egg since my last check 48 hours ago. The average UK Little Owl clutch size is three or four eggs; therefore, a clutch of four eggs is not unusual. I'm delighted to share that a forth egg was laid on Sunday the 26th April at 20:35 hours; there was 46 hours and 1 minute between her third and forth egg. The female Little Owl was taking an 'incubation break' when I arrived. I wonder if there will be another egg when I visit this site again in two days time? Check back to find out!
I'm having a couple of issues with my camera system, as it is no longer recording between 20:00 and 06:00 hours. Plus recorded footage often flickers. I'm not an expert in camera technologies – I tend to work out how to fix the system using trial and error. I've already purchased new batteries, but the issue persists. Today, I quickly swapped the camera over with one that is better quality. I should see an improvement in video quality. I've covered over six of the LED lights and have placed a filter over one of them to ensure that the camera system does not affect Little Owl behaviours. I'm excited to see the new footage.